Literature and Leadership: The Art of Storytelling and Psychology in HR Management

Aside from being the Director of the Future of Work at the Asia School of Business, Michele Sagan also holds a certification in psychotherapy. As for her, having it is a significant advantage in her current role in the field of HRM.

“If you have a background in psychology, then you understand a lot of what drives human behavior and human motivations. You understand what intrinsically motivates people to do things. You also understand the importance of leadership, social exchange theory, and how leaders can actually inspire and drive people forward.”

Furthermore, this understanding aids in grasping how the psychological capital of an organization can be developed, and how leadership can make strategic investments in said psychological capital to ensure sustained advancement of their workforce.

Michele possesses proficiency not only in psychology but also in literature. She is an accomplished author, having earned an international award in 2018. She adeptly relates the art of crafting a book to her current passion, recognizing that storytelling contributes a fundamental skill that leaders must possess in effectively managing a future workforce.

“The way to accomplish that is, indeed, by telling stories, igniting the imagination, and engaging individuals in a profound manner. This approach drives their internal intrinsic motivation, compelling them to desire active involvement in this transformative process.”

Michele’s unwavering dedication to fostering a better future resonates profoundly within her. When posed with the question of what alternative field she would pursue if not in the realm of human resources, her response was eloquently articulated:

“My purpose is to create a better future, in whatever sense that may be. Even if I weren’t in the future of work, I believe I would still be engaged somehow in efforts to shape a better future. Whether it’s working with charitable organizations or collaborating with students, my focus would remain on fostering leadership and ensuring progress. Perhaps, my endeavors would take a more academic route, centered on finding ways to create better futures and nurture exceptional leaders, even outside the corporate context.”

Join her with other thought-provoking speakers as they share their profound insights and vast expertise in the ever-evolving Human Resource landscape at the upcoming HR Leaders & HR Tech Strategy Meeting 2023 this September 13-14 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Don’t miss the chance to be a part of this transformative gathering where cutting-edge ideas and visionary perspectives from human resource experts converge.

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