4C Principles for Successful Workforce Management: A Conversation with Kevin Ng

Kevin Ng, the Chief People Officer of Cement Industries of Malaysia Bhd, holds extensive experience in the realm of human resource management across various countries in the Asia Pacific region. His expertise spans diverse locations, including Malaysia, Singapore, Australia, China, India, Hong Kong, the Philippines, and Indonesia. With a robust background in HR management, Kevin Ng brings a wealth of knowledge garnered from these culturally diverse environments.

The key to being an expert in handling a diverse workforce culture, as shared by Kevin, is the practice that he implements in his current role. This centers around the 4C principles: communication, collaboration, consistency, and commitment. This practice has been instrumental in creating a positive and successful working environment, particularly in terms of communication.

“We prioritize transparent communication, encouraging regular interactions to prevent misinterpretation. Collaboration is vital, ensuring clear roles, preventing oversight, and promoting collective success. Consistency is upheld in all tasks at CIMA, aligned with organizational goals, fostering commitment and effective collaboration. This approach cultivates trust, reliability, and mutual respect, driving high performance within the organization.”

The positive impact of these 4C principles extends beyond just the workplace dynamics at CIMA; it has also rippled out into the broader community. Kevin firmly believes that a harmonious work environment not only benefits the employees within the organization but also has a larger societal impact. Through nurturing a culture of open communication, collaboration, consistency, and commitment, the organization sets an example for others to follow. This approach not only improves employee satisfaction and productivity but also influences how other companies perceive and handle diversity in their workforce. 

In addition to his passion for the HR landscape, he is also enthusiastic about reading economic journals and anything related to the financial industry. He places a high value on integrity, recognizing it as a significant contributing factor to success.

“I uphold the principle of integrity, believing it to be one of the most crucial values. Understanding that we must always cling to it in order to be trustworthy, we require integrity. Therefore, I am deeply committed to maintaining integrity.”

He concluded the interview by sharing his vision for the HR landscape five years from now.

“I believe HR is essential. Despite the abundance of technology surrounding us and the rapid implementation of advanced HR systems, I think HR will remain indispensable. This is due to the perpetual need for the human element in managing human beings. While technologies can assist with reporting and data gathering, the significance of human relations ensures that HR will never become obsolete.”

Unite to collaboratively mold the integration of HR and technology, exerting influence over the trajectory of the future.

Be part of the upcoming HR Leaders & HR Tech Strategy Meeting 2023 and glean insights not only from Kevin but also from a line-up of thought-provoking speakers this September 13-14, at Ritz Carlton Hotel Kuala Lumpur. 

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